SG Guidelines

-Interested in joining the Federation of Cosmic Defenders well the best way is to ask one of our many Field Marshals or myself Cosmic Dust.(You can find the names of the Field Marshals in the Members page.) Or you can leave a post in the forum or email me at

-If you plan on being inactive for any length of time let me (Cosmic Dust) know either by email or post on the forum. Any inactivty of 25 days will be kicked from the SG unless you inform me otherwise. So if you have an alt hero in the SG don't forget to log in every once in a while.

-Only I am allowed to Promote heroes to the rank of Field Marshal status, as well as remove members from the SG.

-Field Marshals are allowed to recruit freely as long as the heroes they recruit understand what are SG is all about.

-Promotion is based on performce and how well you work with the other members of the SG. And that way we don't have everyone a Field Marshal only a max of 20 heroes will be promoted.

-Upon reaching level 18 a custom bio page will be created.

I will need the following thing from you if you want your custom bio page.
-A front screenshot from head to toe of you in SG colors. (Either I can take it or you can send me one.)
-A back ground story if you want one on the page.
-A name for your hero.
-A occupation for your hero. (if he has one in his off time)
-An age of your hero.
-the names of your Primary and Secondery Power
If you don't want any of that info I will just place unknown next to the sections.

-Player conduct will be as follows:

-Players will treat any fellow SG member as well as CoH player with respect.
- Players can joke around as long as what is being said is understood as being a joke.
-Bottom line is have fun but don't make someone feel disrespected.

We are here to have fun and enjoy the company of our CoH family. I want anyone in the SG to feel confident about each other and want to team with each other. But if such actions do occur the member will be warned, if such actions continue player will be removed from the SG.









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